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Blog Post - October 25, 2021
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Respond to the Objection, “We're satisfied with our current supplier.” Strategy 2 of 3

ObjectionFreeSellingIconObjection 3 of 85:We’re satisfied with our current supplier

When does it usually occur? Initial contact.
Probable Cause: Prospect does not believe a need exists.
Objective: Establish a need.

As with all objections in this first category where the prospect does not know what makes you unique and what needs you can meet that your competitor cannot, your job is to transition in such a way as to get the opportunity to introduce your differences.

"Great, it's not easy to find a good supplier in this business. And, there are a lot of changes happening in this area. When you think about ____, (USP) what are your greatest concerns?"

Let's suppose your competitor sells cheap metal containers, but they rust. You sell these same containers, but they're made out of a material that won't rust. Plug in your Unique Selling Points advantages that you can provide that your competitor cannot, and then ask the "greatest concerns" question.

"When you think about replacing rusting containers and all that goes with that, including cleaning the rust stains, mitigating the risks inherent in transferring product to a new container, and the other costs associated with container replacement, which of these is your greatest concern?"

With a product with well-known consequences, you could change it around and still get the same result. "What are your greatest concerns related to changing rusting containers?"  

Note that I didn't ask if they had "any" concerns. They might not admit to any because you inadvertently shifted this from a "need" objection to a "hassle factor" objection. By asking about their "greatest" concerns, you're implying, and they are assuming that there are significant concerns.


Objection Free Selling book coverThis blog's content comes from Chapter 6: Strategies Specific to Each Objection in the Objection Free Selling book.

Select this link to preview and buy the eBook or Paperback: Objection Free Selling with its 874 objection prevention, preemption, and response strategies for the 85 most common sales stopping objections

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